Premier Authorized Training Partner (ATP) of the Project Management Institute®
"The PMTraining PMI-ACP prep course exceeded all expectations. I took the online course the week of my exam and passed without any issues. The material was comprehensive and I was able to answer every question quickly and with confidence." - Ewen Galbraith, PMI-ACP New York, USA
With a near-perfect 97%+ first time pass rate, we guarantee you will pass the PMI-ACP exam and become certified. If you do not pass the PMI-ACP exam the first time, you will be provided with free instructor assistance, and free course re-enrollment without limit. Review our complete no-nonsense exam pass guarantee.
All PMTraining PMI-ACP classes are officially recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and pre-approved for the 27 Contact Hours you need to take the PMI-ACP exam. Classes by PMTraining meet every requirement needed for you to take the exam and get certified.
Each class will intensively cover widely accepted Agile methodologies, along with the latest PMI Agile Certified Practitioner curriculum. Training will instill a comprehensive knowledge of Agile tools and techniques, and students will leave with a solid foundation in Agile Project Management, ready to become an Agile Certified Practitioner (ACP).
Master the pace, subject matter, and difficulty of the PMI-ACP exam with a free membership to PMTraining's online practice exam portal (a $68 USD value). Your personalized portal will include mock exams, quizzes, performance reports, and much more.
Students will be provided with the most effective study tools currently available on the market, including offline exam preparation tools and activities, a comprehensive class manual, presentation slides, and access to realistic exam simulation tools.
Similar to in-person classes, students may choose to engage with their instructor as much as they like. PMTraining students will have direct access to their instructor to answer questions, if they choose.
Applying for the PMI-ACP exam is a breeze with step-by-step application assistance. Instructions and guidance is provided to all students who require it. Students selected by PMI for audit will be provided with additional assistance.
We understand that students have questions outside of class hours. Aside from having direct access to your instructor, students will have a dedicated PMP class support team that can answer class questions and provide exam advice.
As a Premier ATP we have undergone the most rigorous quality review available by the Project Management Institute (PMI)®. Students can be assured that every class we deliver relies on curriculum content that has been formally audited for quality by the PMI. Every class on our PMI-ACP class schedule is pre-approved by PMI for the 27 Contact Hours needed to take the ACP exam.